Articles by "Schemes"
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Investors in Punjab Have Seen Value in Equity-Oriented Schemes: Tata Asset Management

Ludhiana, June 30, 2024 (News Team):
According to the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) data, the equity mutual funds have hit a record high of net inflows to the tune of INR 34,697 crore in May 2024, witnessing an 83% jump over April 2024. The same month's AMFI data suggests that within the equity mutual funds segment, the thematic or sectoral funds category saw highest inflows of INR 19,213.4 crore from investors across the country. Another interesting takeaway from the May 2024 AMFI data is that the monthly investments via SIPs crossed the INR 20,000-crore mark for the second successive month.